Another truly inciteful and constructive piece of criticism from Patsy. I particularly like the three exclamation marks arfter her laconic comment as if one weren't enough!!!!
Well I like it no matter what Patsy says. Very well shot. Disturbing, well acted, almost hypnotic.
it's only 3'20! it's just the introduction (black) which is long.
hope u'll enjoy it!
I'm sorry, did I spell insightful wrong?!!!!!
kinda reminded me of "Images" by robert altman ;) please watch my filim SHHH! Thanks,Thomas Burton
Loved the sound design and editing. The laughter. Loved the dragging legs shot. Liked chasing and then being followed.
Rockin Soundtrack! Loved the lack of colour and the repetitive editing style, thought the story could have done with a cupla inserts just to get us guessing more, but I liked this. I'm scared to go to the park now.