Bravo! The setup up is slow but that's what makes it great. It does seem like an average home movie. Very well executed! The only film out of the 20 I've watched so far that made me laugh out loud. You have my vote! : )
-Brandon Minton
complete twist! :D good job!
Nice twist! Worked out great! Liked how you built up the suspense... as a normal home video. great job.
Cool effect! I bet Willow gets a kick out of watching herself disappear.
My boys want you to share your secret :) They want to make their sisters vanish into the ground :) I'd rather the boys vanished into the ground and the sisters stayed and played :)
your daughter is very cute! nice movie. all the best
very cool...she's adorable...good luck
was this with the Apple Shake? How long did that take to do?
Super twist. Liked the nice dad routine, it was real and great and made the whole thing quite shocking! Sweet effect.
I actually got scared when she disappeared. I thought, "No!" I feel ridiculous now.
lol,,thts creepy,,,pls dont show it to your daughter..she might just freak out lol haha!!
That was brilliant! Very funny twist, a little sick... but funny. Good luck.
Yes shake on Apple, it took me a couple of nights work as I was a little new to the program. Very powerful but it feeds on your life energy!
Whoa that was really unexpected! the high/low end combo was well worked out.. well done n good luck!
I love this short, so simple, unexpected and classic, keep it up.