THere aren't too many low light limits of a good chipset in a good camera, at any rate, you achieved what you set out to do, explore light, and the absense thereof. Cute :)
good try "traitor" in this submission
weird... very interesting! Take a look at my short afterwards.
an interesting film! nice use of the low-light capability of the camera too!
Awesome Deepak.............very nice..........
Brilliant writing, editing and cinematography. Very well done.
Wow that was pretty weird. Nice work with the lighting for the ghosts, it was a good realization. Brant (CAT)
Cool. I don't think I understand it, but cool. The lighting worked perfectly for this short. Well done. natebower(Belief)
Thank you.. its about ghosts demanding the provision to have ghost prophet :-)
Deepak, that is some wicked lighting! Very unique idea. You've already made big improvements editing wise from your last movie (although I liked your last one as well)!
I love your imagery/concept... end wasn't as stong as the darkness
Deepak, really strange film concept but interesting, the lighting was awesome.
I loved the 4 ghost reunion wide shots great!
Thanks a lot Adam ... i use Sony HC-38E miniDV cam.
thank you Daniel..i have left my comments on ur short.
WOW! The best compliment for my lifetime!! Thanks Sean!!
We used to frighten my hostel mates when i was in school, so tried the same trick and looks like it worked! thanks Brant.
Thanks a lot Daanish! Feedbacks on my last movie really helped me a lot and i could start improvizing.
Thanks Dean.. U r right, end should'v been more stronger, even i felt the same when i watched the final copy, but due to lack of time i had to submit this.
Thank you.. Lightin trick was learnt in my school hostel when we tried to frighten our school mates in the night. :-)
I thank each and everyone for watching my film and providing me the feedback. Comments from filmakas on my last film really helped a lot for my learning. Honestly, i'm learning more here at filmaka than at my film school! Thank you each and everyone!! Regards,Deepak
I don't really understand it, but I think you accomplished your goal of working in low-light conditions. - Ricardo Salcedo (El Arte de Lavar Platos)
Ricardo, in the film the ghosts are demanding a prophet ghost so that even ghosts can know their future, and gods agree to fulfil their demand and thats why a prophet commits suicide.. the implicit meaning is that, he becomes a ghost - ghost with prophecy skills.