Oh I just want to say what I want to say, but it's such a spoiler.
ha its a huge spoiler and filmaka ruined it for everyone. oh well.
Yep, too bad we can't pick the frame that shows up. natebower (Belief)
i loved the writing in this one. music was perfect, well atleast i thought so and i was interested throughout! good job!
kept my interest throughout, good acting.
Script was good and the dream was ended perfectly, because no one can die in their dream even if they want to.. Good try dude.- Deepak(G-4)
I sense much passion in your filmmaking, and this Pathos shows in your film.
Yeah it was captivating, nice soundtrack. Nice on Brant (CAT)
really loved the story, the soft voice over was a great addition to the film. i had issues with the cinematography but i thought the overall flow of the film made me look past any gripes i had. good to see drawing inspiration from Gondry too, cool film! Dave (Hold Up)
Interesting. Good writing. The music was a nice touch. - Ricardo Salcedo (El Arte de Lavar Platos)
I liked it, nice, kinda soothing in a weird way.
Well done!! I Like music too...
Hey man well done...started off a bit cliche'd but the girl part sucked me in...definetely see the inspiration.like your work...