fabulous idea, wonderful score and angelic kids to go!have shortlisted you.
Working with kids is really hard. You seemed to have pulled it off nicely. Good job! Nathan "One"
good job on the cinematography and directing children! it was very well done. check out mine: "Lost" by John Mackin
Very nicely done. Great cinematography. Rene (A boy and his dog)
I also worked with a kid in my film. Although it can be tough it can also be magical. I love the way you pulled off this fantasy piece. Let me know what you think of my film, "I'm Lost"
Thanks very much. Great use of the split screen effect for the "cloning". Very inventive! Very cute nephew. I will add it to my list! WD
Beautiful, very well executed. Good luck!
loved the mystical music and feel of the film...cool job!! 'TAKEN' daniel stephenson
Nice acting by the little ones. Nails the feeling of being a kid. Check out a retelling of the Red Riding Hood tale by Vangelis Mylonas
Great work, really! Good story, cinematography, sound, and of course the acting! Voted!
Beautiful film, William. Very well done. The kids did an excellent job. Good luck!--Cameron ("Lucidity")
Very nicely shot and well edited! The acting is superb!
loved it. very mystical, really captured child essence.