Call me an idiot, but I'm not sure I understood it. Didn't stop me from liking it though, awesome cinematography, beautiful imagery. Reminded me of David Lynch in the mood, very dark.
Jay (Illusion of War)
!!!! This is the kind of movies i like. I invite you to watch "minute after" by fernando reyes
A fellow Montreal filmmaker! good job man. I am interpreting this as two guys who are afriad to come out of the closet? White guy looks like a youn MacGyver! Cheers, - Nathan 'One'
part cronenberg, part lynch, wholly trippy.
amazing shots, amazing editing and a very solid script. Good job David! Definately a great overall movie.
wasn't the biggest fan of the acting but nice job overall check out mine: "Lost" by John Mackin
I really liked the trees. I thought the white guy was coming out of denial and finally waking up to the fact that the black guy was interested in more than friendship. Rene (A Boy and His Dog).
Awesome film! watched it 3x.
Watched it over and over. Great cinematography. Lighting too. LOVE IT!--Cameron ("Lucidity")
A really interesting film with a touch of the surreal! On top of that, the cinematography is superb! --Joseph Chiang (Remembrance of Things Lost and Found)
I really liked the television transitions. There's a lynch atmosphere here...really liked it. Beautiful images interesting story! Nice!
i love shooting trees, so many opportunities for great shots. The cinematography is ace! Check out a retelling of the Red Riding Hood tale by Vangelis Mylonas
Hectic , don't think I get it at all, but the production is very good, and your cinematography is lovely. I would love to know what you were trying to say in your film. - Justin (The Gaunt Silence)