creazy stuff. like it! (benigno Piñera: To Die Again)
Realy good effects. Actor smokes too much ;) Good luck.Fée
my movie is Lost and Found by loris simon salum btw
good job and very original! check out mine: "Lost" by John Mackin
This was great, Peter. I loved your actor's face when he found that thing in the record stack! The ending was also well done. --David (Lost in the Forest)
ur sfx has a lot of 'imagoination'!pls watch"Lost n Found in America"by Khan and Kavitathanx
Peter your editing is ALWAYS amazing! Even in last month's competition! A very original idea! your movie was great! keep up the good work! - Daanish (Nadir)
Such good editing. And such a unique idea and style. Therefore, I enjoy it.--Cameron ("Lucidity")
This is really a unique and imaginative film! Cool stuff! --Joseph Chiang (Remembrance of Things Lost and Found)
wonderful imagination! Good luck! (Batu Ajaib)