God as the ultimate Voyeur!Great job putting together videos from everywhere, must have been a lot of work.liked the voice over..........-YOU by Khan and Kavita
good stuff. A powerful message!! Azi Rahman
Ooh, that second to last shot is it? Nice.
I really liked your images... nicely put together. "muiraquitã" by Daniel Barosa
well done Very good it's a different point of view good luck "Voyeur, Divakar Ghodake"
great images and editing. you really expressed the voyeur concept very nicely. loved to see more latin american cinema. suerte! mar "Memories"
Me gustó muchísimo, me parece que tienes un excelente sentido narrativo, el texto es muy bueno y le da un sentido profundo y trascendental al corto. Felicidades.
Daniel brigado, eres brasileiro o portugues?Yes thats a homage for Méliés and the moon itself!thanks for ur comments very much!salu2 de méxico.
Daniel muito brigado por tus comentarios!estamos a contacto por aquíSAlu2 de méxico!viva brasil..
HONORATO, MUCHAS GRACIAS Por tus comentarios todos ellos valiosos y tomados en cuenta, pero encontraste algo que no mache, que no deje fluir al corto o que no se entendió? te agradecería que me respondieras. gracias de nuevo
Very interesting, unique and thought-provoking. I loved it. -jason (For Shame)
you got some great video footage Mario! I liked the route you went with your film! a class job! - Daanish (Publice Service Annoucement)
That was fantastic. It felt like so much more than 3 minutes. Very well edited. Thanks for your feedback on my film. (Nate Bower - "Safe" - pg. 4)
Strong and compelling story, great visuals. looks like a winner Mario! good luck and thanks for the message!
great work! Take the Vote.
Sorprendente trabajo, mucho esfuerzo. Felicidades
I love the idea of God as the Ultimat Voyeur!!! Very well done. I love that we both titled our films with Crystal. When we look through Crystal, it offers a fantastical, and yet genuine view of distorted and beautiful images. We can see right through it, however, it affords us various ways in which to see it. I really enjoyed it!!!
Gracias Benjamín, estamos en contacto entonces, muchas gracias
Holty! thank u very much for the comments. I leave u my email mongiperez@yahoo.com.mx CU.