Interesting take with the box. I liked the color tinting. The sound effects were pretty great too. Good work.
Interesting idea with the incamera editing... really like the super 8 image.Take a look at muiraquitã afterwards. Hope you enjoy.
What a funny idea u came up with!nice SFX by the way.(The crystal eye)
I liked how you solved the short with in-camera editing, and the story is interesting until the end, maybe the wanking man was a bit too much for me, but still I enjoyed it. If you have a chance watch my short SEE and tell me what you think.
You were right, it was the silliest thing.
well done David, very interesting....good luck.."Voyeur, by Divakar Ghodake"
Haha, this is the most ridiculous thing I've seen on this website so far. And those sound gross. But really funny. -jason (For Shame)
great look and feel to the way you shot your film. HAHAHAHA that's too funny. wow. well done. - Daanish (Public Service Announcement)
Real voyeur .... good editing...Fée
fuckin wikked, I love the whack off guy! He was AMAZING!!!! Good work Dave.