Gotta love that good cop bad cop routine!
Clever use of good cop/bad cop. Love it.
That was soooo funny! LOL... wonderful acting, writing and directing. You got my vote. Please check out Trinity Rises
dude, this is excellent! great writing -- excellent dialogs and really great direction, editing, acting, etc. wish the audio was a little better (lavaliers next time) so we could get the full effect of the dialogs. your alec baldwin character is awesome. loved the ending, too. it didn't fizzle out, it was perfect. gets my vote.
Excellent, acting and directing. One of my favorites
Good punch line at the end, but the lead up was funny too. The camera work was well done and the actors were perfect. Ready for Hollywood!
People are going to remember your short, because this isn't only funny, but well-written and well-directed too : which makes a very interesting cocktail !
Good cop.
(Check out my "Fourteen", if you have time...)
A few problems of mixing,
Now I'm the bad cop.
Tango & Cash. The answer to all of life's mysteries. Very nice. Definitely shortlisted
Hehehe pretty funny indeed. I was actually expecting different ending. 4/5