
Singing In Beijing

Contest Name :09 Jan-Feb-March Documentary, Submission Date :01-07-2009, Uploaded By : Victor
Directed By :  Victor Muh, Writer, Producer, Director,,
Shot On: SONY Z1, Edited On: Final Cut Pro,  Crew Members: 2  Duration:
Beijing ,Beijing , China   Views: 35691
Inspiration: I am inspired by the huge numbers of elderly Chinese who, everyday, walk, sing, dance, exercise, and enjoy themselves outdoors.
       11 many viewers??? amazing...i just can't believe it...something fishy.... 
I pay people to watch my short documentary. Know anyone who wants $1 for 3-minutes of their time? 
You are giving 1$ to view your film!!!...Its really sad that you are bribing people to watch your proves that your film and your creativity don't have the qualities to attract praise and blessings of the viewers......its your money which is forcing them to watch it....its a shame....and an insult to this website and artists who are struggling to make their mark..... 
Hi, The film Singing in Beijing, docu competition Jan/Feb/March, 2009, got viewers of above 21000 and may be vote of many by bribing the viewers. He is giving 1$ per vote....Its really sad that the filmmaker Victor Muh is bribing people to watch his proves that his film and his creativity don't have the qualities to attract praise and blessings of the viewers......its his money which is forcing them to watch it....its a shame....and an insult to FILMAKA and artists who are struggling to make their mark and all who have submitted their films.....I REQUEST EVERYONE TO RISE AGAINST THESE TYPE OF FILMMAKERS AND FILMS....BLOCK THIS FILM.... You can find his film in this month's docu is the link...  
PLZ Vote AGAINST this Film...... 
NO!!! PLZ vote FOR my film! I'm rich. I will not only pay you $1 to watch my film, I will pay you $2 to VOTE POSITIVELY for my film! I have already paid over $20,000 to people to watch my film. (I will not pay you, Barsha. You are trying to stop my plan.) 
This film should be removed.....Victor, u r cheating..... 
I'm not cheating! I'm the only one here playing by the system. The filmmaker with the most money wins. Isn't that how Hollywood or Bollywood works? I'm not giving you a Dollar, either, Gracy. Sore loser:-P 
I am not assured of it, Victor Muh have paid 1 dollar for voting, there Is no sense to pay 20 000 $ for reception 500 $ which you can not win. I assume, Victor Muh make placed the link from his sites to His page. Try to type your name and a surname in the Google Search engine, (as you are registered in the Quantity of viewings is not quantity have voted. I'm also made references(links) from my sites to Try an example click on a photo picture after that. But in Belarus 10 million population only. Best Regards Igor Shumeyko. 
Igor, I haven't decided if I should pay you any money for watching my video. In fact, I may have to silence you because you know too much. 
All Periodic Winners > 09 Jan-Feb-March Documentary

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A Hope-Rock
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Dollcumentary -Shelby
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Chinese Dream-Tianli
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Singing In Beijing-Victor
Singing In Beijing
Directed By Victor
3.00 min 11
Virgin Births -Yu
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