Elegant camera work, lighting, continuation... (must have been hard work to sync her humming...) well done. I did miss a subtle soundtrack...
Nice execution of the period. The actors made some great choices.
Loved your short. Top notch camera work, great acting and dialogue. Definately shortlisted.
I'd really like if you took a look at mine ("Dusk in Limbo") afterwards and tell me what you think.
I really liked it because of the period, the good cinematography and editing, the acting and wardrobe! I found the audio a bit low compared to all the others I've watched so far. And I didn't quite 'get' the ending. Probably because I couldn't hear it. lee~ 'Backwards In Time'...
Very well acted/directed piece. Always enjoy a movie with two strongly written female roles. You handled the period piece aspect of it very well and the production values were high. Enjoyed this one a lot. Good luck!
This was shot very well, and has great production design. I really like the interesting shots with the hand mirror, good job! If you have the time could you check out my short Tricky Health Care, thanks! Best of luck
Great desing and an amazing job of cinematography. Love the way you touch one of enterteinment most amazing and famous urban legend and how it comes out at the end. Amazing, you get my vote for sure.
When you have the time, check my film "The Visit"
First of all. Not a period piece right? I had to watch it twice to pick up what was going on ( a good thing in my opinion and I'm sure I still missed a lot). I really liked how you told a story and got exposition into the dialog. Not an easy task. Let alone managing the the tricky mirror shots. For me, there was a lot of ambiguity in the piece. Especially towards the end (of course). I had a feeling like I was missing a piece. Maybe this is the point or maybe I'm dumb. Either way, nice job and an interesting and fresh theme.
awesome film!!!!!!!!please check out "BEE IN THE WEB" and let me know ur reviews!!!!!!!
This was a kick ass short! Great actresses, great camera work - all around top notch. I especially loved the story and that the theme was used literally and non-literally with an ending that is thought provoking and totally intriguing. Really enjoyed this work and look forward to seeing more of your stuff. Shortlisted!!
Heather this has some amazing camera work... some of the best shots I have seen in this contest. I loved the shot with the mirror and the clever angle. Top notch work
powerful short. really lovely choice of shots.
i'm glad i got to see it.
Very compelling! The performance of the actors was impeccable. Honest, frightening, sincere, engaging--an excellent film!
Good acting. Interesting characters. I liked it very much. The story was simple and effective. It felt like a full feature and I was watching the middle of it. Like I've missed the first 45mins. Keep it up Heather!!
very nicely shot and acting. Sure to make it one of the tops, congratulations!!