I liked this film a lot well thought out and the use of color was excellent
Good atmosphere creation and effects. Nice film.
Great shots, great effects, and great locations. Fantastic work.
Very well done. I liked the use of color, the shots, the idea.
I enjoyed your film. Nice wind noises *(I've used the same ones in a few of my films.:)
Great camera work. I also loved the sense of vertigo you created.
Superb cinematography. I really enjoyed the silent storytelling.
I really liked it! Shot extremely well. Good camera control and effects.
Beautifully photographed and edited
Great Direction!
Very cool shortfilm.
Good Luck
nice short with some interesting transitions ....loved the b&w effect!!- jai nat ("The footprints")
ooo its was a pro film ...what camera work man ..great shots ...nice acting...editing...great
Brilliant 1/5 vote fo sure :D
Brilliant, Energic and Fresh!!!
Liked this a lot. Check out my film Solstice you might like that too