Hmmm... It had a lot going for it, simple and good acting, and I was waiting for a surprise ending, and then it ended totally too abruptly... Was that intentional? Also, it was a bit over 3 minutes. Please watch my 'Deadline'.
A piece of a bigger story. Now, not all wordy dialogue based films are brilliant just because they are complex. This piece I felt was very interesting, smart and of a bigger picture than we got to see.
Hilarious... I too, feel that there is more that is missing because I was engrossed and then suddenly felt like i was cut off...
I just realized that there's some parts missing from the original upload and the end is missing.
Please check my movie later once the file would be fixed.
Thanks everyone.
A campaign against psychiatrists? Really, you had some good fight until the end and the end is forced with a limitation of time. I liked it so much until ending, even if it is only connected with sex and pleasure. Good luck!
The acting and dialouge in this is brilliant :) Hopefully someday you'll be putting the fear in Francois Verber
The guy with the glasses and his story was very funny. Feel like I've been there before. If I can only hang in a little longer! ------Director of 'The Time Is Now'-------
well really liked yor style..just felt it was too long for the timelimit as well..some great characters in the film though ...perfect composition to shoot throughout!
Some truly funny dialogue there! Maker of "The Course."
Strange and a wonderful watch. Once the final character was introduced, the writing became so good that I was hanging on every line. You have a definite knack for dialogue and I truly enjoyed your movie.
strange and different ..good actors.!!
nice script writing. actors performed well too! good luck!
"I tried so hard to be normal. I really rushed." cast of characters and dialogue are all so funny, I really loved it.