Behind the Silence
Contest Name :Target,
Submission Date :12-03-2020,
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Directed By : Zarchi Sawnai, Filmmaker,,
Shot On: Sony A7Sii,
Crew Members: 35
Yangon ,Yangon , Myanmar
Views: 2697
Inspiration: In Myanmar, more than one-fifth of ever-married women have experienced a form of domestic violence. It is deemed normal enough for the majority of women facing it to tolerate it, but not normal enough for it to be discussed openly, if at all. The purpose of this short film is depict the stages of how domestic abuse progresses and gets worse with time. We also aim to raise awareness on domestic violence, to say that it is neither ok nor normal, that it is not just a family matter, and to provide help for women who are victims of domestic violence through sharing resources such as helplines they can call. We hope for this video/film to be a catalyst for all the women who have faced or are still facing domestic abuse in their lives to gather the courage to seek help.