I didn't really get it at all- but it has this creepy fake documentary feel to it. Is this for real?
Sahra, it's very real. The Thumbnail is me!
Unfortunately, yes, it is real. You probably would have got it better if I hadn't stuffed up the beginning. The lead in was a bit weak.
i m balanced between believe and not to believe what you show in the movie ! the reason which makes me hesitating is the fact that those to people you show on the picture were already used in the short you made for the previous contest !!! But I still think the way you do the documentary is very good...punchy, explicative and surprising ! so catchy compared to usual documentary.theo
There are no actors in this film. These a real people. I have been thinking of doing some follow-up interviews:)
Actually the neighbours at the start are really our neighbours and were really video recorded the day of a huge confrontation in the neighbourhood on our first day of shooting a film. I'm definitely not an Actor! Just an independent Producer, Director and Cinematographer.W George [my father :( ] on the other hand, may well be one of the greatest actors in the world. However in this series, he is definately not directed. It's all true, it's been on National TV several times in Australia. It's ongoing. His constant dragging my wife and myself through the courts and his ability to mislead, misrepresent and so on is incredible. Check out the web site in the credits!
Good script.Ýnteresting,just like a little documentary film.Good luck.Meltem
hello, thanks for the message! Is this part of a long piece cut specifacally for filmaka? Or every month depending on the theme you continue the story?The latter is what I'm doing.
Script? No script Meltem! This is REAL LIFE! She's just cutting away at material recorded as the story unfolds. All true! NOTHING is stages, setup or acted.
Dama, Lily is cutting a piece to each theme. She didn't quite follow through on my suggestion for this episode, but hey - she's the Director :)