Brand Films

Central Station

Contest Name :What On Earth, Submission Date :07-06-2008, Uploaded By : Fabrice
Directed By :  Fabrice Boutique, Actor,brussels,
Shot On: 1 of march 2008,   Crew Members: 400  Duration:
Bruxelles/Brussel ,bruxelles , Belgium   Views: 8098
Inspiration: Once upon a time in Brussels when hundreds of MessAngels (Wenders' "wings of desire" inspiration) pause the infernal cycle of consumption.

That doesn't look like it was easy to pull off. It's an interesting display of guerilla filmmaking and public theater. 
This is truly FUN. 
beautiful...well done! 
I'm baffled by the choreography. AMAZING.  
Brussels on air, now! 
What a wonderful idea! I would have loved it if you had followed one or two characters throughout, so we could feel like we were wandering about, seeing it through their eyes. {Jury Member}
Intriguing film with a good message - to stop and think amidst our busy lives. {Jury Member}
For me, this is the most filmic of the finalists. Wonderfully executed. {Jury Member}
Brand Films >

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