The Whistleblower
Contest Name :Final Competition Season #1 2019,
Submission Date :12-14-2019,
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Directed By : Troy Brown, Director, Producer, Sceenwriter,,
Shot On: RED Dragon & RED Scarlet,
Crew Members: 30
Bearsted ,Kent , United Kingdom
Views: 12661
Inspiration: I read an article about the First World War and how even after the armistice was signed so many lives were lost for numerous reasons. Some lives were lost because of trench foot and disease, some were lost due to famine and some were loss due to communications being broken down and front lines not being informed quick enough and unnecessary battles ensuing.
I remember the feeling I had when reading the article and how lost for words I was when considering surviving four years of war only to suffer the greatest of loss when peace had been agreed.
This was the Great War, it was called “The war to end all wars”. Somehow through time it seems as though that message never really rung through to stop future generations from repeating the same mistakes. But in this I saw the opportunity to find an intimate story that the audience could follow whilst also exposing them to a much larger world.
In the First World War British officers would lead their men in to battle by going over the top with them in trench warfare. Their signal for going over the top was the blowing of a whistle. Armed with this knowledge “The Whistleblower” was born. I wanted the Whistleblower to be a person that people could identify with, I wanted them not to see him as a soldier but something else, I wanted him to be a brother, a son, a husband, someone loved and not just fodder on the front line. For Me “The” = “My” and “Whistleblower” = “Brother”, with this in mind I came up with the idea of constructing a story that people could relate to. A story of love in the most horrible of environments.