Women Of A Certain Southern Province

Contest Name :The Prophecy, Submission Date :06-15-2007, Uploaded By : John
Directed By :  John Carstarphen, Filmmaker,,
   Crew Members: 1  Duration:
, ,    Views: 1968 Other Info: An Asian porn star seeks an answer to the mystery of a ghost who haunts her.

Very cute interpretation of spiritual concepts. 
The first one with a really strong message. natebower (Belief) 
interested me... nice work. 
loved the idea. You did a good job getting the message through John! 
Interesting story, and well told too with the directing and editing! 
Good work on the FX; visuals look great considering you shot on miniDV.Well done! 
grate message. it says too much. 
Good one! Spiritual concept handled very nicely. The message too was sensible.- Deepak(G-4) 
I can't believe you shot that on a mini-DV. It looks great. Nice work. - Ricardo Salcedo ( El Arte de Lavar Platos ) 
Cinematography and editing makes this entree look as if it were shot on a camera beyond mini-dv. 
Very nice story. Great look too it, very poished. Great work Brant (CAT) 
Liked it! I have shortlisted the film!! Good Luck. . . 
Current Submissions > The Prophecy