Modern Romance

Contest Name :The Voyeur, Submission Date :08-09-2007, Uploaded By : Konrad
Directed By :  Konrad McCarthy, ,Melbourne, Australia,
Shot On: Sony Z1P, Edited On: Premiere Pro 2,  Crew Members: 1  Duration:
, ,    Views: 2147
Inspiration: Longing.
Other Info: A boy meets girl story.

Goog idea. Sad this is a bit short. I liked it.Fée 
Hi KonradInteresting camera angles.........could have been longer. -"YOU by Khan and Kavita" 
Fun and surprising. I enjoyed watching. If you have a chance watch my short SEE and tell me what you think. 
Liked your take on the classical beach, love sequence... very funny. great job. muiraquitã by daniel barosa 
Cute, I like twisted endings. "Hole In One" page 5 
loved the cut to the beach! great idea Konrad! solid movie! daanish (Public Service Announcement) 
Whoopsie Daisy, made me laugh, nice twist. Check out my film "Seeing Jenny" and give me any feedback 
Great use of dialogue. Just enough to make really funny. (Nate Bower - "Safe" - pg. 4) 
Nice twist on the beach-theme :-) 
Excellent!!! Konrad, I like your film(acting, camera, idea every thing) great job..good luck "Voyeur ,by Divakar Ghodake" 
Current Submissions > The Voyeur