
Contest Name :The Voyeur, Submission Date :08-30-2007, Uploaded By : Simao
Directed By :  Simão Cayatte, Student,Lisbon,
Shot On: Sony Mini-DV, Edited On: Final Cut Pro 5,  Crew Members: 2  Duration:
, ,    Views: 2608
Inspiration: I was very intrigued by the relationship between voyeur and exhibitionist. To a certain extent we are all performers and observers...

Very good, reminded me of Antonioni's Blow Up, maybe because of the park and the photos, I liked it a lot. If you have a chance watch my short SEE and tell me what you think. 
SimaoLiked the fact that you used a female voyeur, also the distinction between the observer and the observed collapses sometimes and that is so well brought out by your film, one of the best,-YOU by Khan and Kavita 
Overall, I liked it. It goes on a little too long at the end, but I thought it was interesting. 
Yes I like iit very much. good edea , begin like a cinema verité but it is not....good for my short list...Fée 
Well Done simao I like simple good Luck "Voyer By Divakar " 
Very, very good. Enigmatic and desperate this narcisistic, beautiful, Oriana observing herself. Is it a metaphor of our occidental self-centered Europe which, as rich as it is, can't even reproduce itself?Who is calling Oriana? Keep going Simao, disturbing us. 
Gostei da sua idéia e a música é muito bonita."muiraquitã" Daniel Barosa 
A simple yet interesting film to watch! Loved the ending! 
self awareness in digital age.. original. 
great shots, great music, and beautiful location. Well done Simao! - Daanish (Publice Service Annoucement) 
loved it! you have my vote! 
Current Submissions > The Voyeur