The Voyeur

Contest Name :The Voyeur, Submission Date :08-31-2007, Uploaded By : Daniel
Directed By :  Daniel Cayarga, Filmmaker,Boston,
Shot On: Canon XLis, Edited On: FCP,  Crew Members: 2  Duration:
, ,    Views: 2432
Inspiration: The Voyeur steps out, investigates.
Other Info: Thanks to: Miguel Nienstadt, Leia Nelson and my neighbors Lisa, Jeremy, Jason and Eric.

Nice atmosphere, I liked the paranoic feel it has. If you have a chance watch my short SEE and tell me what you think. 
I wasn't a big fan of this one. The intention wasn't very clear. Also, you can't rely on music to create tension, you have to do it with the story and with the camera. 
the music set the tone pretty well. I don't completely agree with Jason on this, i thought a lot of your camera angles did create tension. - Daanish (Public Service Announcement) 
It started out a bit slowly, but by the end it had really found it's groove. (Nate Bower - "Safe" - pg. 4) 
well done...I like it, good luck..."Voyeur, By Divakar Ghodake" 
Current Submissions > The Voyeur