Vigilante Man

Contest Name :The Clinic, Submission Date :09-30-2007, Uploaded By : Steven
Directed By :  Steven Julien, ,Charlotte, NC,
Shot On: DVX100B, Edited On: Sony Vegas,  Crew Members: 2  Duration:
, ,    Views: 1397
Inspiration: Procrastination

I like the way of shooting, but, sorry, I did not understand this film.- Stanka Gjuric ("Alone") 
You touch on an interesting subject. Great audio work, photography, editing and performance. Good luck and please check out Homunculus by Vangelis Mylonas 
Very cool film, Steven. Loved your cinematography, actor and the source of inspiration. Bryan - "Lucas and Mabel") 
Nice one. What a good sound is it your own music?Bravo! 
Well done. Interesting idea and good music!Good luck1Greg Karpinski - director of "Clinic" 
I agree with Stanka,Iloved the way it looked but what's the point of the story? Check out "the dose" 
Current Submissions > The Clinic