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Contest Name :Home for the Holidays, Submission Date :11-16-2007, Uploaded By : RICARDO
Shot On: SEP 2007, Edited On: NOV 2007,  Crew Members: 13  Duration:
, ,    Views: 1785
Inspiration: Modern Cinema and its movies situated between fiction and documentary exposing real, in a profoundly silent mood, without dialogs or voice over.
Other Info: It`s a no budget movie, in the way of a guerrilla cinema.

very cool opening shot! really loved how you shot this! well edited too! great job! -Daanish and David ("Home for the Holidays" pg. 3) 
Nice shooting. Maxime (Christine's Christmas Big Adventure) 
This short is disturbing and very well done. I liked the editing a lot, and the cinematography is gorgeous. Nicely done! -Brian ("Christmas in Reno") 
that was cool! the shots at the start ruled and stayed good throughout! good job! guerilla cinema for ever!!!'Home for xmas' danyl stephenson 
cool and well done. Robert Athey 'The Christmas Tree' 
Very stylistic. I like it.Check out "A Tail of Two Holidays" page 3- James 
Very nice!! Love the intimacy, the feeling you're observing. Great mood. If you like blending fiction and documentary check out mine on the last page 'at home on others' holidays'. Good luck. Anastasia 
Great film. I liked the story and the actors were great. 
top notch cinematography provides a dark and gripping mood to this piece, nice, professional effort! -Randy Hines ("Suburban Holidays", "Decorations") 
Cara, muito legal! As imagens tão muito boas e o som também. Gostei de como você editou tudo e construiu esse ambiente onde temos a felicidade e a dança ao lado da depressão.Daniel Barosa (The bedtime story of the girl...) 
Current Submissions > Home for the Holidays