Pure Columbian

Contest Name :Wild Card Contest, Submission Date :12-07-2007, Uploaded By : Nuno
Directed By :  Nuno Teixeira, Artist,Canada,
Shot On: HD-DV, Edited On: Final Cut,  Crew Members: 4  Duration:
, ,    Views: 1652
Inspiration: When the urge is too strong, and something inside you hungers for its fix, what length is one willing to go through to get their pure Columbian?
Other Info: Written/Directed by Nuno Teixeira; Filmed by Zac Marshal; Edited by Nuno Teixeira and Zac Marshall; Acting by Nuno Teixeira, Tom Skorupski

Interesting!I like your opening titles - very old school.Good luck! Please check out "Simon and Emily got to the moon" 
Nice work! Really funny! Good work and good luck! - Robin Ehlde "The Bus Stop" Pg 4 
Current Submissions > Wild Card Contest