Leave In Silence

Contest Name :Wild Card Contest, Submission Date :12-27-2007, Uploaded By : Kevin
Directed By :  kevin desmond d, director,NY,
Shot On: panasonic hvx 200, Edited On: avid express,  Crew Members: 3  Duration:
, ,    Views: 1436
Inspiration: short on holidays, started out with 3 pages ended with 6 min. had to cut it to fit rules.

Nice short,and I know the feeling very well when you want to tell a story and you end up with more then 3 minutes. My submission became a piece of ***** due that rule and I cursed like a devil from hell during the editing :-) Yours is very nice and don't have the feeling a lot is missing in the story. It tells what needs to be told. Good job. 
Current Submissions > Wild Card Contest