Stand Down

Contest Name :Hard Times, Submission Date :04-26-2009, Uploaded By : Daniel
Directed By :  Julian Duncan, Film Maker,,
Shot On: HD,   Crew Members: 6  Duration:
Perth ,W.A , Australia   Views: 1530
Inspiration: After being "let go" from his corporate job due to down sizing, Jules finds himself having to purse another career. Chef? Detective? Comedian??

Hello Daniel. I liked your film! Funny group of friends - seems like a real life situation. And is always fun to laugh about yourself. Nice job. 
hilarious buddy!  
Had a good laugh with this one. 
Oh yes you are... Thanks you for the laughs, I needed them... 
Loved the Arrested Development style of shooting - the character is awkward as hell - nice work. Lee (Necromantic) 
Your script is very good and the actors are very natural. Good job, dude. 
Current Submissions > Hard Times