game over

Contest Name :Hard Times, Submission Date :05-04-2009, Uploaded By : Raphael
Directed By :  raphael xavier, working artist,,
Shot On: cannon a590, Edited On: final cut,  Crew Members: 3  Duration:
los angeles ,california , United States   Views: 2045
Inspiration: as a mature dancer you need to realize that your days are numbered.

What was with all the page turns? 
So much in my head at the last minute, i couldn't remember the lines and it had to stop and start. Was it annoying? Thanks for looking though. 
The black guy came off really well. The other guy not so much, but I felt for his situation. I hoped for an inspirational end, but I suppose reality is reality. 
I thought the long hair guy was more on point, but grungier looking. 
Current Submissions > Hard Times