Closing Doors

Contest Name :Behind Closed Doors, Submission Date :05-30-2008, Uploaded By : Darren
Directed By :  Darren Lindquist, Writer/Director,Toronto,
   Crew Members: 6  Duration:
, , Canada   Views: 2060
Inspiration: The Past
Other Info: Deep down, we all have emotional barriers to protect ourselves from the world. Sometimes these doorways are open and sometimes they are closed.

that is dark! very well made good job 
please do overlimitation in this mpvie to make really good ! good job keep it up. 
Darren, I liked it, good acting, Good Luck 
great shot dblin keep it up bro ... appreciate the effort taken by the actors and direcror 
powerful idea - Bryan (The Case of the Missing Maxwell) 
I wasn't convinced by the actors to make the story believable. 
Good emotional material. I feel the piece could have been better with less voice-over, film is a visual medium. Use acting to show his inner turmoil than Voice-over. Action is always better than dialogue. Good job anyways! 
Current Submissions > Behind Closed Doors