
Contest Name :Help Wanted, Submission Date :07-02-2008, Uploaded By : Micah
Directed By :  Micah Wolf, Student,Los Angeles,
Shot On: Canon Xh A1, Edited On: Final Cut Pro,  Crew Members: 1  Duration:
, , United States   Views: 1803
Inspiration: A love of character-driven movies.
Other Info: This is the beginning of this character's and his girlfriend's adventure, in which they search for an apartment after college and strive to survive.

Interesting character. Very natural dialogue! - - Baldman Pictures "The Waiting Room" 
An honest piece, simple and natural. Great job! 
the story needs some work. underdeveloped. 
I love the tone of the character - Alex Manning "The Virtual Vikings" 
Keep at it, needing work in story development. 
i would like to see rest of the part of this film if u make any time 
Current Submissions > Help Wanted