Count Lustig

Contest Name :Pros and Con Games, Submission Date :11-13-2008, Uploaded By : Felipe
Directed By :  Felipe Salazar, Field Producer,,
Shot On: Sony HDR-FX1, Edited On: Final Cut,  Crew Members: 3  Duration:
Paris ,Ile-de-France , France   Views: 2957
Inspiration: The man who sold the Eiffel Tower

Chaplin Style...,funny~ 
Silent era nicely captured. Kudos. 
It's not easy to pull off a great silent film true to the classic style. Really well done.  
Gotta love the classics! 
A really intelligent angle. Very effective. Keep up the good work! 
This was really well done. I really liked it! 
very cute. and very much a silent movie! the acting, the make up, everything. my favorite part is when that group of tourists from the "present day" walk by... i'm not joking, it was a wim wenders moment. excellent job, felipe! 
great job!  
Neat film! 
really enjoyed!!... one of my favorites 
So cute! 
Current Submissions > Pros and Con Games