
Contest Name :The Party, Submission Date :01-12-2009, Uploaded By : Rodrigo
Directed By :  Rodrigo Monterrey, Public Health,,
Shot On: Canon XL1, Edited On: Sony Vegas,  Crew Members: 3  Duration:
Quincy ,MA , United States   Views: 2347
Inspiration: A snapshot of a couple, of a mood. Restlessness after the party. How things even out, etc. It's longer than 3 mins, so I'm just looking for feedback.

great stuff! but I don't understand the point of submitting a 6-minute film to the competition. this is more appropriate to your personal films. 
great image and filming! check our movie, chair on the ceiling raph and theo 
Really good. Very Professional.  
Honestly, you could've easily edited it down to 3 minutes, without loosing too much of the story, an it woud've been great. It still is great, very professional, but it's not a competition entry... (It still is fantastic, though) 
I love it just the way it is! I think shorter might be less powerful. Too bad you it's not on competition! Great image and I loved the music. 
Is it in the competition? I hope so, I like the atmosphere and music a lot! 
ithis is professional stuff 
Rodrigo- I liked this film. Nice portrait of a couple. I think it would be a good test of yourself to cut this down to 3 minutes. I think you could retain most of the feeling/character relationship in half the time. Anyway--I wish it were 3 minutes so I could vote for it. It's one of the best ones I've seen. 
professional? how so? no one got paid! just friends doing it for fun. in terms of competing -- it's too long -- the rules say 3 minutes and this one is twice that. but if anyone wants to vote for it, well, i'm not going to stop them... mainly, i'm just looking for feedback. thanks! 
this is a very good short film, the music and audio mix fits perfectly, congratulations 
Current Submissions > The Party