
Contest Name :Race Against The Clock, Submission Date :12-07-2009, Uploaded By : Pavel and Michal
Directed By :  Pavel and Michal Krumpar, Screenplaywriter / Film editor and TV cameraman,,
Shot On: Sony 700, Edited On: Edius 5,  Crew Members: 3  Duration:
Prague 5 ,Prague 5 , Czech Republic   Views: 1658
Inspiration: Umberto Dorn has sacrificed his life to his career. He has completely forgotten his wife and his aging mother, who lives alone inside four walls. They both need him from time to time, but he does not see it. Probably nothing would have stopped him from living his life in a hurry, if he had not received an envelope with his name on it containing a death sentence. Without having committed any crime, without being questioned by anybody, he is sentenced to death and summoned to the Hotel of the Final Judgment. There, he must undergo three trials and identify his guilt in the mysterious hotel. If he fails, he dies. Otherwise, he gets a second chance. Now Umberto Dorn must explore his memories and start a journey against the clock. Our film was inspired by the common problem of many people in the productive age nowadays. Work steals all our time, which we could and should spend with our families or friends - with people, who love us and need us from time to time… The question, which remains, is, what will be a worse sin on the day of our Final Judgment – for example break the law or the fact, that we have wasted our life and were not in places, where we should be…

Current Submissions > Race Against The Clock