
Contest Name :Wild Card , Submission Date :10-08-2009, Uploaded By : Andy
Directed By :  Andy Novak, Post-Production Coordinator,,
Shot On: Panasonic HVX200, Edited On: Final Cut Pro,  Crew Members: 7  Duration:
Glendale ,CA , United States   Views: 3315
Inspiration: There's someone I'd like you to meet.

Funny, shocking short. Certainly not at all what I expected when I clicked on a short called "Grandpa". Not enough comedy films exist about how outrageous elderly people can be. 
LOL! It's not what I expected either, but I didn't really understand the ending. Other than that, it was well done in every way. Please watch my 'Surprise!' 
Finally a fun little movie that is not all about blood and horror. 
Pretty damn funny. What I would like to have seen is more development of the young dude character where we could see his change to misogynistic prick. As it was, he kinda turns on a dime and I had to go back and look at the ending again. Great Grandpa character! Check out "Bliss". 
hats off to great grandpa...hilarious !!! wanted to see it more! 
Ha ha ha, funny short film. Well done! Please check out "Speeating" for some more laughs :) 
thanks Andy! I liked your movie very much as well! 
fantastic film. fantastic. - 
Funny and very well done! Uncertain if the ending goes far enough, but leaning towards a yes. -- Maker of "Vantage" 
I need to add, shortlist-worthy for sure! 
Current Submissions > Wild Card