Our Dad

Contest Name :Family Gathering, Submission Date :03-17-2007, Uploaded By :
Directed By :  Diego Vazquez, flame artist,London,
   Crew Members: 11  Duration:
, ,    Views: 2187
Inspiration: obituaries, and weird people. also how obituaries lack information about the dead person.
Other Info: we shot in two days, and we ended up covered in mud. it was good fun.

this has got to be a winner. beautifully shot, well constructed - had a problem understanding some of the dialogue though. fantastic film. 
hey man/woman? soulmaster? thanks for the message, the sound mix was very rushed at the last minute so i've been getting feedback from some friends that they cant understand some of the dialog, also the actor's accent is very thick... can i see your film/s? i hope next time the sound mix is better 
Current Submissions > Family Gathering