Filmaka Funds

Contest Name :Neighbors, Submission Date :03-22-2007, Uploaded By :
Directed By :  11th Hour Films, ,Spokane WA,
   Crew Members: 3  Duration:
, ,    Views: 3413
Inspiration: The Terms and Conditions of - As you can see from the results of our last three films, we do not use the Seven Steps to Filmaka Funds.
Other Info: We hope all filmakers participating at are ethical and not tampering with the system.

Hey, I just thought of that too...Too bad it's too late. 
cute! hurray! 
Lol, down with them abusers! Where's the spirit! Well done guys. 
Very Funny! Though I think it's take the help of coconspiritors (Friends) as well. :>) 
Hey now I knew this was going on, but I didn't realise it was so wide spread! And to think I only registered 800 accounts and I still can't win! 
Funny because it's true. You said what we all already knew to be true. Nice! 
Hey Dustin, thanks. We actually asked the fine folks at Filmaka how they felt about us making a spoof of what we've been calling 'the loophole' and they were very gracious about it. They supported us wholeheartedly. Cheers,Joseph, the 11th Hour control freak 
...all things come to those that persevere, right Alan...I mean Adam. Cheers,Joseph, the 11th Hour Omnivore 
Glad you liked it Brock Brock...if it ain't entertaining, what's the point? Wait, did you mean, funny 'ha ha' or funny 'peculiar'? Eh, either way, I'm satisfied.Cheers,Joseph, the 11th Hour Crazy Protractor Head 
So, what are you proposing CW? An alliance? We're in ).Cheers,Joseph, the 11th Hour Conspiracy Theorist 
Hey Steven! Bring the muthuhs dowwwwn! I really hope no one was actually abusing the 'loophole', but once we get our teeth into something, limbs fly's never pretty. Cheers,Joseph, the 11th Hour Pitbull 
Whaz up Karoly! Thank you, we appreciate your kind words and they have been duly noted, written on a small piece of celluloid, tied to a helium filled balloon, lit on fire and released as an offering to the film gods...Cheers,Joseph, the 11th Hour Pagan 
Hi Sahra,It's never too late to be too late...think about it, but not for too long...the surgeon general has deemed critical thinking to be treason...and may cause activism...Cheers,Joseph, the 11th Hour Boat-rocker 
Bingo! Thanx for the free piggy bank consultation 
Bajingo! Piggy has been hung up on the hook and turned into bacon and chops...Die Bank ist jetzt geschlossen. Time for 11th to step it up or get back into the strong arm collection service again...11th Hour Collection, Bail Bonds and Knee Reconfiguration Services...sigh, good times.Cheers, Joseph "Joey Knuckles", The 11th Hour Enforcer 
Way to go 11th Hour Gang!Now we know how the Florida polls were fixed!!??Anyway, fixing polls is a national obsession in India as well!Funny how the world is really one big happy family ;-)And if you can, do check out my film BACKDROP...LatersNyay 
Thank you Nyay! I guess we as a world community have a lot of things to fix, eh? There's no satisfaction in cheating, but the bastards just keep on doing least we have a little justice in this little corner of the web. The staff at filmaka have impressed us with their willingness to show our work, as bizarre as it can sometimes get and even when we point the finger at their procedures. The really listened to how we felt and actually did something about it. That's more than the government would do for ya...Cheers, Joseph The 11th Hour Activist 
Current Submissions > Neighbors