A Good Neighbor

Contest Name :Neighbors, Submission Date :03-25-2007, Uploaded By : Manjiri
Directed By :  Manjiri Prabhu, Writer,India,
   Crew Members: 3  Duration:
, , India   Views: 2693
Inspiration: My love for animals and the realization of the need to do something about homeless animals, especially street dogs.
Other Info: The main artist is a street dog and the boy is a non-actor.

Hello Manjiri, "A Good Neighbor" was need a good shoot, Keep it up, Me Aditya Shinde ,right now in New Zealand studying here, and missing India alot too. That video indeed is a reality in India and love towards animals.Good,Thanks. 
Hello Aditya,Thanks for your encouraging words. Have you submitted a film too?Manjiri 
Good concept! Nice to see scenes from a different part of the world and on a serious topic. 
Manjiri,This film brought tears to my eyes. Very moving piece.Dawn 
Thanks Dawn, Randy and Aditya for your encouragement!Best, Manjiri 
Sorry this is not a documentary film obviously,the dog is not your neighbour neither are the birds sorry as a writer were it the story going? my friend honestly it nice but !! 
but my best friend said this the film in my opinion was cute and simple . A tale of compassion to an otherwise neglected dog in India. 
Sorry this is not a documentary film obviously,the dog is not your neighbour neither are the birds sorry as a writer were is it all the, story going? my friend honestly it nice but !! 
hi manjiri, nice film, where u shot this??? i m ashish a film maker from mumbai... 
Current Submissions > Neighbors