My Sweet Widow Neighbour

Contest Name :Neighbors, Submission Date :03-26-2007, Uploaded By :
Directed By :  Karoly Ujj Meszaros, commercial director,Budapest,
   Crew Members: 9  Duration:
, ,    Views: 3745
Inspiration: Originally I wanted to do fake swedish voice over and english subtitles, but I had no time for that.
Other Info: Many thanks to Attila Kis for the sound design and Andras Szoke for being dop and every member of the crew.

Great accent! Still a bit fuzzy on why the man tried to kill himself? Whas it because he knew about the murder and felt guilty, or because he felt like he was next? Either way I thought the shot composition was great, and the short fades out-fade ins really added to the mood as well as provided a clear direction of the storys progression! Thanks for sharing your film. 
i guess he felt like being the next and still he was in love.thanks a lot for your comment.nice emotional horror you have made!thanks again! 
Great photography that sets the mood...Perhaps the titling could have been a bit more "classic" to reflect the movie's theme. This is a winner. 
Hiwhat fine filmmaking karoly. Very very finished. But then I have loved all your entries.Really glad you made it t this round. And I can see you gave it a fine shot. All the best. 
very good performance.I like your cinematography.Meltem 
Current Submissions > Neighbors