
Contest Name :Neighbors, Submission Date :03-27-2007, Uploaded By : Dawn
Directed By :  Dawn Natalia, GM Public Access TV station,Medford, MA is team home.,
   Crew Members: 4  Duration:
, , United States   Views: 3125
Inspiration: Really fixing up Allison with one of these guys.
Other Info: And they`re still dating!

Aunty Rita gives this film 5 Cannoli out of 5! 
This is totaly different from previous films of this filmmaker! Just for that - I'll give my vote!! I love when people experiment and do not try to be "know-it-all professionals". I love muck acting and quirky framing/editing. People, do not forget: filmmaking is fun, play with it, maybe, you'll be next Spielberg or Lucas. 
Hahaha, Boston>New York. Well done guys. 
Lots of fun. I also really like the image treatement. Go Red Sox! 
Very creative...good fun. Keep making films... 
Way to act Jonny! We know you didn't mean to wear that hat! It was acting right? Right?! Cool film- I love the comic-book feel. Another (HOME RUN!) for team Medford! 
what a pleasant surprise when the captions appeared...since I am hearing impaired, it sure made it easier to enjoy...and what else could she do when she saw that it was a Yankee's hat..she had to run. 
Current Submissions > Neighbors