Hardly Working

Contest Name :Pros and Con Games, Submission Date :11-14-2008, Uploaded By : Kyle
Directed By :  Kyle Milligan, Director,,
Shot On: Canon XLII-S, Edited On: Final Cut Pro,  Crew Members: 12  Duration:
Toronto ,ON , Canada   Views: 2507
Inspiration: Stick around for after the animated credits... Cast: Dan Fox, David Ivkovic, Jane Hailes, Elin Lawrence, Megan Fannin and Corona as herself

Nice work everyone! 
Effective and original. Good work! 
Good job. 
This is gooffy, I liked it ! Maxime "The Break of the century" 
The main actor is really funny, does he really speak cantonese? Well done! 
Thanks Felipe! He only speaks enough Cantonese to say "Goodbye Mai Lee, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10." That's our little inside joke. Glad you enjoyed it. 
He sounds very convincing ;) 
Very funny...get better wigs though :) 
Current Submissions > Pros and Con Games