The Prophecy

Contest Name :The Prophecy, Submission Date :06-27-2007, Uploaded By : Gabrielle
Directed By :  Gabrielle Gamache, Postal Employ,Michigan,
Shot On: Digital, Edited On: Mac/FCP,  Crew Members: 4  Duration:
, ,    Views: 1639
Inspiration: Americans are kept in a false state of panic about terrorism. This clip is a reaction to that.
Other Info: No small dogs were harmed in the making of this film

That's funny. Kind of sad that it's true. natebower (Belief) 
hahah love the message! Good script and acting! 
Innovative. - Ricardo Salcedo ( El Arte de Lavar Platos ) 
Really like your camera-work and political conscience. 
Very good concept!! Liked it very much.. Deepak (G-4) 
Cool (Oedipus Rex in 3 min) 
Current Submissions > The Prophecy