Little One

Contest Name :Hard Times, Submission Date :04-22-2009, Uploaded By : Johnny
Directed By :  Johnny Swanepoel, Photo Retoucher / Filmmaker,,
Shot On: Sony Z1, Edited On: Adobe Premiere,  Crew Members: 6  Duration:
Cape Town ,Western Cape , South Africa   Views: 1801
Inspiration: Pregnancy in 50's was unacceptable to society. Girls ran away/backstreet abortions. Cinematography idea, as if it was shot in 50's

This is a classic never ending story, millions of young girls go through this. Nice Cinematography, it really looks like and old movie. Please chk Struggling 4 Success p.15 
Great girl production values and props! Well done. 
I totally loved this, Johnny! Beautifully shot, directed, acted, written, edited. Emotionally suitable music score as well! You get my vote! 
I agree with Lee, and she does know what she's talking about! You are on my short list, buddy! 
Wow Johnny, you had me at the score, little film effect and your all set. Well Done!. :p 
Looks and sounds fantastic with a wonderful score - production design looks great for little/no budget. You're on my shortlist! Lee (Necromantic) 
great idea! shortlisted. 
Hi guys Thanks for the comments. Glad you all like it. 
Muy Buena Produccion. 
beautiful film - well done Johnny! stunning! proud to have been involved. Universal female topic. awesome! michelle 
nice art direction, photography and score, but the 
thanks salo. comment appreciated. 
Current Submissions > Hard Times