The Guarantee

Contest Name :Hard Times, Submission Date :05-02-2009, Uploaded By : Rodrigo
Directed By :  Rodrigo Monterrey, Public Health,,
Shot On: Canon 5D Mark II, Edited On: Final Cut,  Crew Members: 7  Duration:
Quincy ,MA , United States   Views: 2132
Inspiration: Hard times at a small doctor's practice... Here's an introduction to the dysfunction amongst the staff.

Good idea and well made! You're shortlisted! 
good work... 
Once again, you have produced a film that catches you by surprise. I like that the title doesn't give anything away. But as you go along you start dribbling clues until you hit us with a black yet hilarious story. I loved it!!! But maybe its because I have a sick and twisted mind. Keep up the great work!!! 
Enjoyed the cinematography. 
love the concept.. good job... 
Excelent job, cinematography, concept and acting. Shortlisted Please chk Struggling 4 Success p.15 
interesting film - well produced michelle pls check emigre 
nice, but i didnt understand the end... 
ending should say "TO BE CONTINUED"... 
Current Submissions > Hard Times