
Contest Name :Lost and Found, Submission Date :07-30-2007, Uploaded By : James
Directed By :  James Herbert, ,,
Shot On: Panasonic Mini DV Camera, Edited On: Premiere,  Crew Members: 2  Duration:
, ,    Views: 1598
Inspiration: I would often sit at my friends computer, and need a pen... I would find one, twiddle it in my fingers and wonder where it had been...?

NICE! funny too. realy liked it. benigno piņera (To Die Again) 
i like the photography, the story is funny too. I invite you to watch "minute after" by fernando reyes 
i agree! the story is so creative, also liked your shots 
haha "dig deep"! great idea and great editing! i liked the way you put this together James! 
Very simple story, makes you wonder. Great idea. check mine out."LUPE" 
nice camera shots. Short n sweet. Nathan - 'One" 
"clever boy" :))) great camera angles.please watch " Lost n Found in America by Khan 
REALLY liked your shots, nice work!(Lost and Found) 
Wow, awesome cinematography.--Cameron ("Lucidity") 
You've got a very unique and interesting style, James! Great work! 
Current Submissions > Lost and Found