
Contest Name :The Other Side, Submission Date :08-02-2009, Uploaded By : Ian
Directed By :  Ian Delaney, Actor,,
Shot On: Sony HD Camcorder,   Crew Members: 3  Duration:
North Hollywood ,CA , United States   Views: 3035
Inspiration: Everyone has an itch - it's about how you scratch it.

Your film was very creative, almost a split personality/psycho. LOL, I enjoyed it well done. 
creepy but very well done! loved your block-cam character switch... 
Didn't see the creepy ending coming. Great work.  
Creative. I wanted to see a bit more, though. Most of it wasn't creepy, but funny, and then the other side of 'his' personality... I didn't see the ending coming. Well done. 
Interesting how both sides of his personality were creepy. That's a cool way to subvert the split personality genre. 
Enjoyed this one a lot, especially the three actors featured. I maybe would have liked it better if the split personalities had more opposite qualities that made them unique to the other, but I liked the exchanges between them. Good luck! 
really enjoyed it...loved the music towards the end.....I think we all could relate to this story because we all have two sides no matter what.....nicely made...liked the transitions.....!!- jai nat ("The footprints") 
I liked a lot. Once you've achieved the tension you never let it go, is a great job. 
Good work!!! I agree with the rest, it´s pretty creepy! It´s interesting how you introduce the characters at the begining. Good luck! 
Liked it a lot! Shortlisted. . . 
Good work. I was'nt sure if he had one better and one evil side. Or if the both sides were wicked in different ways.  
Good work. did not like 2 cuts on the edit. Shortlisted(Taken Souls) 
really great gentlemen, congrats to you BOTH. 
A lot of fun to watch. Good job Ian!!  
Current Submissions > The Other Side