Harshvi Tisar
hey Excellent story and content, i can say i am in love with your lead character, intensity on her face simply awesome. Special credit to camera work and curiosity in direction, excellent.
nora reza
I feel that lead actress is fabulous, and the camera work is too. great direction and story. bravo!
Sellami Meliani
Great work! Meaningful, great actress, good composition and editing. May be a soft background music in the beginning of the film would add more emotion (opinion).
Ryan Wolfe
This is great Sahra. I really liked the ambiance and sound.
dawn natalia
Thought provoking...and moving!
Chastity Thomas
Great story!
sahra Bhimji
Thanks for all the nice feedback and positive comments. I really appreciate it.
Miles Crossman
You nailed the #1 thing, story.
Bill Pullman
{Jury Member}
Cool.. Withholding the music ends up adding tension and possibility that something is about to happen.
Thomas Augsberger
{Jury Member}
Loved the performance of the leading lady and your camera movement. Unique and original story, well done!
Alex Suciu
Good job! Real great idea.